Confirmation is not about becoming an adult in the Church. It's about taking all you know about Jesus and being open to the work of the Holy Spirit, in order to share Jesus with others. It's just like what happened to the disciples at Pentecost!
Confirmation preparation helps students grow in their personal prayer life, learn how to practice their faith daily, and share that faith with others.
Chosen On Line Access Sign In Page
How to create your On Line Chosen Account
How to sign into an already created Chosen Account
(Note, start this video at 1:36. The part prior to this is not relevant.)
Orientation Video
7th and 8th Grade Digital Survey
7th Grade at Home Activities
7th Grade St. Project
Works of Mercy Sheet
Orientation Video
7th and 8th Grade Digital Survey
8th Grade at Home Activities
Confirmation Paperwork
Confirmation Name Form
Works of Mercy Sheet
Sponsor Form
8th Grade Letter to the Bishop
Parent Meeting Handouts