All young adults (20s or 30s, single or married) are invited to be a part of the Lancaster Young Adult Catholics group. All are invited regardless of which parish, diocese, or religion you may belong to. This is a group that has various regularly scheduled events to reach those with different interests. You can find more info on this group by heading to their Facebook page or Instagram account. If you would like to be added to the electronic mailing list, you may do so by clicking here. To inquire further or get involved, you may email [email protected]
Theology on Tap: Gathering on a monthly basis at a local establishment (except during summer) to share some good conversation, enjoy a meal and drink, all while listening to a talk on our Catholic faith. This event is for those 21-39.
Breaking Bread: Meets on a monthly basis for Sunday Mass followed by brunch at a nearby restaurant. After Mass, meet in the narthex of whichever church was chosen that month.
Brotherhood: Young Catholic men meeting on Monday evenings for food, prayer, and fellowship.
Adore & More: Young Catholic women meeting on first and third Tuesdays of each month from 5:30-7::15 pm at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
First Fridays: Join us on the first Friday of each month as we celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Mass (7:30 pm at St. Joseph’s in Lancaster) and appetizers (local restaurant chosen that night).
Book Study: Engage intellectually with the faith through a theological book discussion.
There are young adult groups spread out through all 7 counties in our diocese. Look below for three events when these groups come together. To view the calendar of individual group events throughout the diocese visit check out the diocesan young adult events calendar. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, you may reach out to Zack Haney [email protected]
Harrisburg Diocese Young Adult Retreat: An overnight weekend retreat with a different theme each year. The retreat includes Mass, Confession, communal prayer, Eucharistic adoration, meals, talks, small groups, games, and more.
Get Connected: An afternoon of fun, food, and fellowship starting with Mass at 11:30 am. During the potluck lunch, Catholic young adult group leaders take turns talking briefly about their groups and upcoming events. After lunch there will be outdoor games, board games, and card games.
Advent Day of Reflection: A two-part event that starts off with talks from a couple of speakers, small group sessions, lunch, and a Eucharistic holy hour with Confessions. The second half starts in the evening after the vigil Mass. All will eat dinner and then there will be social time for people to choose between board games or dancing.
"Join our saints-in-the-making as we go deeper in faith, life, and work, taking the next steps in our vocations and making lifelong friendships along the way!"
Please click here to find more information on the Young Catholic Professionals of South Central PA.